- Goto S, Mori H, Uchiyama K, Ishizuka W, Taneda H, Kono M, Kajiya-Kanegae H, Iwata H. Genetic Dissection of Growth and Eco-Physiological Traits Associated with Altitudinal Adaptation in Sakhalin Fir (Abies sachalinensis) Based on QTL Mapping. Genes. 2021; 12(8):1110. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes12081110
Nakanishi, A., Goto, S., Sumiyoshi, C., Isagi, Y. (2021) Directional seed- and pollen-dispersal and their separate effects on anisotropy of fine-scale spatial genetic structure among seedlings in a dioecious, wind-pollinated, and wind-dispersed tree species, Cercidiphyllum japonicum. Ecology and Evolution (Accepted)
- Ishizuka W., Kon H., Kita K., Kuromaru M., Goto S. (2021) Local adaptation to contrasting climatic conditions in Sakhalin fir (Abies sachalinensis) revealed by long-term provenance trials. Ecological Research (Accepted)
- Chen, S., Ishizuka, W., Hara, T., & Goto, S. (2020). Complete Chloroplast Genome of Japanese Larch (Larix kaempferi): Insights into Intraspecific Variation with an Isolated Northern Limit Population. Forests, 11(8), 884. (2020年4月)
- Haruhiko Taneda H, Funayama-Noguchi S, Mayr S, Goto S (2020) Elevational adaptation of morphological and anatomical traits by Sakhalin fir (Abies sachalinensis). Trees 34, 507–520(11月)
- Kitamura K, Uchiyama K,Ueno S,Ishizuka W, Tsuyama I, Goto S (2020) Geographical gradients of genetic diversity and differentiation among the southernmost marginal populations of Abies sachalinensis Revealed by EST-SSR Polymorphism. Forests 11(2), 233; https://doi.org/10.3390/f11020233 (2月)
- Okada M, Hirao, T, Kaji M, Goto S (2019) Role of fallen logs in maintaining the species diversity of understory vascular plants in a mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Forest Ecology and Management 448: 249-25
- Kitamura K, Nakanishi A, Lian C, GotoS (2018) Distinctions in Fine-Scale Spatial Genetic Structure Between Growth Stages of Picea jezoensis Carr. Frontiers in Genetic, 24 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2018.00490
- Ueno S, Nakamura Y, Kobayashi M, Terashima S, Ishizuka W, Uchiyama K, Tsumura Y, Yano K, Goto S (2018) TodoFirGene: Developing Transcriptome Resources for Genetic Analysis of Abies sachalinensis. Plant Cell Physiology 59, 1276-128
- Goto S, Kajiya-Kanegae H, Ishizuka W, Kitamura K, Ueno S, Hisamoto Y, Kudoh H, Yasugi M, Nagano AJ, Iwata H. (2017) Genetic mapping of local adaptation along the altitudinal gradient in Abies sachalinensis. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 13: 104. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11295-017-1191-3
- Aizawa M, Iwaizumi M, Yoshimaru H, and Goto S. 2017. Identification of the parental species of a putative hybrid spruce Picea × notha using DNA markers with contrasting modes of inheritance. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (APG), in press
- Hisamoto Y, Goto S. 2017. Genetic control of altitudinal variation on early female reproduction in Abies sachalinensis revealed by a crossing experiment, Journal of Foresr Research, in press
- Aizawa M, Yoshimaru H, Ogawa H, Goto S, Kaji M. 2016. Natural hybridization of Yezo and Sakhalin spruce in central Hokkaido, revealed by DNA markers with contrasting modes of inheritance. Plant Species Biology 31, 188–195
- Thwe-Thwe-Win, Tomonori Hirao, Susumu Goto. 2016. Genetic composition of exotic and native teak (Tectona grandis) in Myanmar as revealed by cpSNP and nrSSR markers. Conservation Genetics 17, 251–258
- Okada M, Kitamura K, Lian C, Goto S. 2015. The Effects of Multilocus Heterozygosity on the Longevity of Seedlings Established on Fallen Logs in Picea jezoensis and Abies sachalinensis. Open Journal of Forestry 5: 422-430
- Thwe-Thwe-Win, Hirao T, Watanabe A, Goto S. 2015. Current genetic structure of teak (Tectona grandis) in Myanmar based on newly developed chloroplast single nucleotide polymorphism and nuclear single sequence repeat markers. Tropical Conservation Science 8: 235-256.
- Iwaizumi M, Aizawa M, Watanabe A, Goto S. 2015. Highly polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers reveal detailed patterns of genetic variation in natural populations of Yezo spruce in Hokkaido. Journal of Forest Research 20: 301-307
- Ishizuka W, Ono K, Hara T, Goto S. 2015. Use of intraspecific variation in thermal responses for estimating an elevational cline in the timing of cold hardening in a sub-boreal conifer. Plant Biology, 17, 177-185.
- Thwe-Thwe-Win, Watanbe A, Hirao T, Isoda K, Ishizuka W, Goto S. 2015. Genetic diversity of teak population in native regions and plantations in Myanmar detected by microsatellite markers. Bulletin of University of Tokyo Forests 132:1-15
- Miura N, Goto S, Jones S. 2013. Estimation of the volume of coarse woody debris in Eucalyptus Forest using LiDAR derived forest structure variables. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 2: 501-506
- Ishizuka W, Goto S. 2012. Modeling intraspecific adapatation of Aibes sachalinensis to local altitude and responses to global warming, based on a 36-year reciprocal transplant experiment. Evolutionary Applications 5:229-244
- Megumi K. Kimura, Susumu Goto, Yoshihisa Suyama, Masaki Matsui, Keith Woeste, Kenji Seiwa. 2012. Morph-specific mating patterns in a low-density population of a heterodichogamous tree, Juglans ailantifolia. Plant Ecology 213:1477–1487
- Ishizuka W, Goto S, Kaji M. 2011. Factors responsible for co-dominance of two beech species in a cool temperate forest in central Japan: interspecific comparison of spatial distribution and growth traits. Annals of Forest Research 55: 1-11
- Goto S, Iijima H, Ogawa H, Ohya K. 2011. Outbreeding depression caused by intraspecific hybridization between local and non-local genotypes in Abies sachalinensis. Restoration Ecology 19: 243-240
- Goto S, Iijima H, Kimura N. 2010. Long-term effects on tree regeneration of soil scarification with microtopography manipulation in mixed forests of central Hokkaido, northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research 15: 328-336
- Goto S, Tsuda Y, Koike Y, Lian C, Ide Y. 2009. Effects of landscape and demographic history on genetic variation in Picea glehnii at the regional scale. Ecological Research 24(6): 1267-1277
- Uchiyama K, Goto S, Ide Y. 2008. Effects of population density on male and female reproductive success in the wind-pollinated, wind-dispersed tree species Betula maximowicziana. Conservation Genetics 10: 1265-1275
- Goto S, Takahashi M, Matsumoto A, Ieiri R, Tsumura Y. 2008. Genetic relationships and origin of commercial clones of Nangouhi, a vegetatively propagated cultivar of hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa). Breeding Science 58: 411-418
- Geng Q, Lian C, Goto S, Tao J, Kimura M, Islam S, Hogetsu T. 2008. Mating system, pollen and propagule dispersal, and spatial genetic structure in a high-density population of the mangrove tree Kandelia candel. Molecular Ecology 17: 4724-4739
- Lian C, Goto S, Kubo T, Takahashi Y, Nakagawa M, Hogetsu T.2008. Nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite analysis of Abies sachalinensis regeneration on fallen logs in a sub-boreal forest in Hokkaido, Japan. Molecular Ecology17: 2948-2962
- Lian C, Goto S, Hogetsu T (2007) Microsatellite markers for Sachalin fir (Abies sachalinensis Masters). Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 896–898
- Uchiyama K, Goto S, Tsuda Y, Takahashi Y, Ide Y. 2006. Genetic diversity and genetic structure of adult and buried seed populations of Betula maximowicziana in mixed and post-fire stands. Forest Ecology and Management 237: 119-126.
- Goto S, Shimatani K, Yoshimaru H, Takahashi Y. 2006. Fat-tailed gene flow in the dioecious canopy tree species, Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica revealed by microsatellites. Molecular Ecology 15: 2985–2996.
- Sato T, Isagi Y, Sakio H, Osumi K, Goto S. 2006. Effect of gene flow on spatial genetic structure in the riparian canopy tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum revealed by microsatellite analysis. Heredity 96: 79-84.
- Goto S, Iwata H, Shibano S, Ohya K, Suzuki A, Ogawa H. 2005. Fruit shape variation in Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica characterized by elliptic Fourier descriptors and its effect on flight duration. Ecological Research 20: 733-738.
- Goto S, Watanabe A, Miyahara F, Mori Y. 2005. Reproductive success of pollen derived from selected and non-selected sources and its impact on the performance of crops in a nematode-resistant Japanese black pine seed orchard. Silvae Genetica 54: 69-76.
- Tsuda Y, Goto S, Ide Y. 2004. RAPD analysis of genetic variation within and among four natural populations of Betula maximowicziana. Silvae Genetica 53: 234-239.
- Goto S, Tsuda Y, Nagafuji K, Uchiyama K, Takahashi Y, Tange T, Ide Y.2004. Genetic make-up and diversity of regenerated Betula maximowicziana Regel. sapling populations in scarified patches as revealed by microsatellite analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 203: 273-282.
- Goto, S., Miyahara, F., Ide, Y. 2002. Monitoring male reproductive success in a Japanese black pine clonal seed orcharad with RAPD markers. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32: 983-988.
- Goto S, Miyahara F, Ide Y. 2002. Identification of the male parents of half-sib progeny from Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) clonal seed orchard using RAPD markers. Breeding Science 52:71-77.
- Goto S, Miyahara F, Ide Y. 2001. A fast method for checking the genetic identity of ramets in a clonal seed orchard by RAPD analysis with a bulking procedure. Silvae Genetica 50: 271-275.
- Thakur RC, Goto S, Ishii K, Jain M. 1999. Monitoring genetic stability in Quercus serrata Thunb. somatic embryogenesis using RAPD markers. Journal of Forest Research 4:157-160.
- Goto S, Thakur RC, Ishii K. 1998. Determination of genetic stability in long-term micropropagated shoots of Pinus thunbergii Parl. using RAPD markers. Plant Cell Reports 18: 193-197.
- Goto S. 1998. Genetic fingerprinting of nematode-resistant clones of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) using RAPD markers. Journal of Forest Research 3: 127-130
米道学, 塚越剛史, 軽込勉, 久本洋子, 大森良弘, 練春蘭, ... & 後藤晋. (2020). クロマツ× アカマツ推定雑種から得られた実生苗の耐塩性. 日本森林学会誌, 102(2), 101-107.
- 荻原謙,後藤晋. (2020). コナラの伐採時林齢と伐採株の状態が萌芽枝の発生と成長に及ぼす影響. 日本森林学会誌, 102(2), 115-119.
- 斎藤真己・後藤 晋(2019)マイクロカッティング技術を応用した無花粉スギの苗木生産量の倍増法.森林遺伝育種8(1):1-7(1月号)
- 軽込 勉・久本洋子・米道 学・山田利博・後藤 晋. 2017. 房総丘陵のヒメコマツにおける集団サイズが近親交配を通じて実生苗サイズとマツ材線虫病抵抗性に及ぼす影響.森林遺伝育種6: 1-7
- 才木道雄・後藤 晋. 2017.さえずり頻度の時間的変異を考慮したヨタカの効率的な生息調査法.鳥類学会誌66:19‐28
- 礒辺山河・逢沢峰昭・久本洋子・軽込 勉・齋藤央嗣・中山ちさ・遠藤良太・後藤 晋・大久保達弘. 2016. 日本森林学会誌98:65-73
- 後藤 晋・高橋 誠・大谷雅人. 2016. ブナ産地試験地の伐採後にみられた萌芽力の地理的変異.森林遺伝育種5:121-126
- 石塚航・小野清美・原登志彦・後藤晋. 2015. 北方針葉樹トドマツの低温への適応:耐凍性獲得のタイミングと遺伝的変異.低温科学73:81-92
- 後藤晋・尾張敏章・小川瞳・木村徳志・福岡哲・宅間隆二・犬飼慎也・高橋功一・佐々木尚三. 2015. エゾマツ実生コンテナ苗と裸苗の植栽後3年間の生残と地上部成長.森林遺伝育種4:1-6
- 田村明・織田春紀・山田浩雄・福田陽子・矢野慶介・生方正俊・後藤晋. 2015. ガラス温室内日長処理によるエゾマツ実生コンテナ苗の育苗期間短縮.日本森林学会誌97:135-142
- 後藤晋・松井由佳里. 2015. バルクDNAを用いたスギ挿し木在来品種シャカイン採穂園の効率的なクローン分析法.日本森林学会誌97:232-237
- 後藤晋・西山教雄・村瀬一隆・楠本大. 2015. 植栽から3年間のエゾマツのコンテナ苗と裸苗における地上部と地下部の成長経過.東京大学農学部演習林報告133:43-51
- 滝川寛之・松井理生・中川雄治・後藤晋. 2014. 東京大学北海道演習林において20年以上が経過した地がき地におけるウダイカンバの更新状況.東京大学農学部演習林報告131:41-55
- 後藤晋・尾張敏章・遠國正樹・松井理生.2014.東京大学北海道演習林の異なる4標高に植栽されてから45年以上が経過した11樹種の生存と成長.東京大学演習林報告130:15-29
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- 犬飼慎也・木村徳志・石塚航・後藤晋.2013.北海道富良野市に隔離分布するハクサンシャクナゲ集団の遺伝的多様性と繁殖様式.森林遺伝育種2: 122-127
- 福岡 哲・及川 希・遠國 正樹・磯崎 靖雄・後藤 晋.2013.東京大学北海道演習林の針広混交林における択伐施業がミズナラの個体群動態に及ぼす影響.東京大学演習林報告129: 1-14
- 矢野初美・後藤晋. 2009. 造園・園芸利用種アオキにおける異なる葉緑体ハプロタイプ間の交雑.東京大学演習林報告 120: 11-18
- 保坂太郎,尾張敏章,後藤 晋. 2008. 北海道中央部の択伐天然林におけるトドマツ実生,稚樹,幼樹の分布と立地環境の関係. 日本森林学会誌 90: 357-363
- 田中健太・北本尚子・島谷健一郎・後藤晋.2006.植物の花粉散布研究における遺伝マーカーの役割.日本生態学会誌56:134-144(総説)
- 後藤晋・津田智.2006.ウダイカンバ二次林の資源保続に向けた地はぎ処理の試み.日本森林学会誌89: 138-143.
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- 森口喜成・後藤 晋・高橋 誠.2005.分子マーカー情報に基づく採種園の遺伝的管理.日本森林学会誌87:161-169(総説)
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- 後藤晋(分担執筆):日本列島 大学の森めぐりー未来への軌跡―.全国大学演習林協議会編.2014年9月,63pp,東京
- エゾマツ早出し健全苗育成のための手引き,「エゾマツ早出し健全苗」プロジェクト編,2014年1月発行
- 後藤晋.2012.「コラム5 樹木の花粉の動きを統計モデルで知る」:島谷健一郎(著)フィールドデータによる統計モデリングとAIC,216pp,近代科学社,東京,p160-164
- 後藤晋ほか.2012.「"森たび"東京大学演習林の見どころ100」.東京大学演習林出版局編,106ページ
- 後藤晋.2011.エゾマツの資源回復, 北海道の森林(北方森林学会編著,北海道新聞社,札幌,319pp),247-248